englische Version-Helfertool

Volunteering work

The Swim club Basel “Schwimmverein beider Basel” (SVB) is organizing multiple events and competitions each season. Some of you might have had the chance to experience them as an athlete or helped us realize them in one way or another. These events and competitions are deeply rooted in our organization and form an important part of our existence.
On one hand, they allow us to offer our athletes a platform to compete on a high level, in familiar environment and in front of family and friends. On the other hand, the financial earnings generated through those events are of outmost importance to finance the club’s swimming division. This goes especially for our professional coaching staff, water costs etc.

To keep these traditional events alive or possibly further expand, we count on your support! We know that some of you are already contributing to every event and we therefore would like to express our gratitude. Whether you were part of the organization team, baking or selling cakes, helping to prepare or clean up event venues or leading competitions: every contribution is indeed incredibly valuable!

However, we do not only need some of you, we need ALL of you! This is why we decided that each member of the club is obligated to support our events with certain hours of volunteering. Therefore we developed the ‘volunteering regulations’ (see attachment). The amount of appearances per season will be determined at the beginning of the year and published on our website. Through our new online tool, you can already schedule your assignments, which helps us to coordinate our events.


  REGLEMENT englisch 


If you would like to volunteer more than your planned appearances, this is very welcome too and always possible.

If you have any questions regarding your expected appearances or the ‘volunteering regulations’, please do not hesitate to contact our division management or write an email to wettkampf@svbasel.ch.

Wettkampf Schule

2 appearances

Kinder Grundlagen

2 appearances

Jugend Aufbau

2 appearances

Wettkampf JA – WKJA

1 appearances

Juniors JA

3 appearances

Junior Elite

3 appearances

Wettkampf Junior - WKJ

1 appearances


2 appearances

Wettkampf National _ WKN

2 appearances


2 appearances